Excel Functions
Change Commodity Groups from Type to Commodity Group Number using XLOOKUP Function
Let's say you have a list of countries in column A and aim to replace all the abbreviations with the corresponding full names. Like in the previous example, you start with inputting the "Find" and "Replace" items in separate columns (D and E respectively), and then enter this formula in B2:
=XLOOKUP(A2, $D$2:$D$4, $E$2:$E$4, A2)
Translated from the Excel language into the human language, here's what the formula does:
Search for the A2 value (lookup_value) in D2:D4 (lookup_array) and return a match from E2:E4 (return_array). If not found, pull the original value from A2.
Double-click the fill handle to get the formula copied to the below cells, and the result won't keep you waiting:
For more info go to website below
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